









作者:菏泽宣传片拍摄制作公司 发布时间:09-05




一、What is "corporate video"?

In a narrow sense, a corporate video is a promotional video made by a company or an organization for marketing and advertising purposes. In a broad sense, it refers to all videos that show or explain the company, its culture, products, services, and policies.

Corporate videos can be classified into many different types, such as product videos, customer testimonial videos, internal communication videos, recruitment videos, etc. Each type has its own purpose and audience, and requires specific shooting and editing techniques.

二、How to make a successful corporate video?

To make a successful corporate video, you need to follow some basic principles:

1. Know your audience and their needs: Before you start shooting, you need to define your target audience and what message you want to convey to them. You also need to research their preferences, interests, and behaviors, so that you can create a video that resonates with them.

2. Set clear goals and objectives: Your video should have a clear purpose and measurable outcomes. It can be to promote a new product, raise awareness of a social issue, recruit new employees, or improve brand recognition. Whatever your goals are, you need to define them in specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound terms.

3. Craft a compelling story: A good corporate video should tell a story that engages and inspires the viewers. It should have a beginning, middle, and end, and a clear narrative structure that guides the audience through the message. It should also use visual and audio elements that enhance the emotional impact of the story.

4. Showcase your brand image: Your video should reflect your brand identity and values in terms of colors, fonts, logos, and tone of voice. It should also convey your unique selling proposition (USP) that sets you apart from your competitors. Finally, it should have a call-to-action (CTA) that encourages the viewers to take a desired action, such as visiting your website, subscribing to your newsletter, or buying your product.

5. Use professional equipment and techniques: To ensure high-quality production, you need to use professional equipment and techniques in shooting, lighting, sound recording, and editing. You also need to pay attention to details such as background music, voice-over, and captions, which can significantly affect the overall quality of your video.

三、What are the common terminologies in corporate video production?

Here are some common terminologies you may encounter in corporate video production:

1. Script: The written text that outlines the story, dialogue, and action of a video.

2. Storyboard: A visual blueprint of the shots and sequences in a video, usually drawn as a series of panels with brief descriptions.

3. Shot list: A detailed list of all the shots and camera angles needed in a video, usually arranged in the order of shooting.

4. B-roll: Additional footage or stills used to illustrate or enhance the main footage.

5. Voice-over: A recorded narration or commentary that accompanies the visual images in a video.

6. Rough cut: A preliminary version of the video that shows the basic structure and content, but may lack finesse and polish.

7. Final cut: The finished version of the video that includes all the necessary elements and has been fully edited and polished.











